Last week, we received an email from friends (I’ll call them as T. and K.) who are visiting the Ishimwe Center in Rwanda. Both of these Godly women will be there for about a month, serving the kids and helping as needed. Below, I cut and paste part of their email update for you to get a taste of life at Ishimwe. How different life in Rwanda is from San Jose, and yet we all serve the same loving God. HE wants the best for ALL people, and that best is Jesus! The picture is of Faith, Roger and one of the kids, Bonfils. Enjoy the letter. – Johnny B

Faith has been struggling with a severe head cold. Many of the children have dry coughs-- typical for this time of the year. June is a time of dust and dryness post rainy season. My eyes have been quite itchy in the mornings. On Sunday, K., Angela and I along with the children’s care giver and the driver--snuggled the 9 children into our vehicle and had a great morning taking the kids to church. Faith attends an English Speaking International church. Worship songs are sung in both Kinyarwandan, English, and Swahili. We took the kids to church without Faith (who stayed home to rest) and we did well. The (kids) are very well behaved.
There is a strong police/security presence. This sense of security has helped the nation to flourish. They need to be instructed-- and to continue to see the fruit of hard work and education and respect for all as there are still remnants of hatred. And there are always extremists trying to incite agendas of the devil. The country is clean--- Kigali has come a long ways in the 6 years since I last visited. There is still much to be done! Faith has so many ideas.
The electricity has been out daily for the past week. We think either they work on the infrastructure during the day or it is planned conservation. It goes off around 9 am and then on again around 5pm. Electricity is very expensive. So I boil water in the tea kettle and put it in my shower bucket and add water and viola-- wash my hair and sponge bathe. Amazing how one learns to live without a water heater and paper towels.
We had the most delicious African coffee several days ago. Espresso, steamed milk/foam with chocolate and ginger. I think the water they used was infused with ginger. Oh-my was it delicious!!!”
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