Monday, August 9, 2010

120 days to go!

My musings today (Saturday, 8/7) are short. 120 days to go until the marathon. It’s going to take a lot more training to be ready for the Calif. Intl. Marathon! This morning I went for my longest ‘long run’ to date: 16 miles in: 2 hr, 26 min, 20 sec.! By most peoples’ standard that’s one definition of obsession. Well not obsession really; more like craziness! This I have to agree with. Add to that 10 more miles! No matter what your passion in life, the pursuit of a goal, or dream, can and will take over part of your life. I am trying not to become obsessed (OK, maybe a little, but shhhhh! don't tell anyone). Amy and I do have a goal of completing a marathon. That by itself is one major big deal. So to accomplish this we have to put in the time and effort to prepare to as Nike says “Just do it!” As an old guy it takes a bit more to get to a physical level of endurance, and more time to recover in between training sessions.  

Quick  aside:
The Boston Marathon ( qualifying time for:
56 yr old males: 3 hrs 45 min
21 yr old females: 3 hr 40 min
           ..…go don’t look for me qualifying any time soon!    ;)

Yet the goal of completing is important to this 56 year old’s fund raising efforts. Thank you one and all for your pledge cards! Keep ‘em coming!! The more I run, the more I look not at myself, but to Christ who strengthens me. I’m learning about pacing oneself, about the need for hydration, mid-run nutrition and above all, the encouragement and support of Janet, the kids and our stalwart friends!

My current long run starts Saturdays at 6am in Campbell, at the park on the Los Gatos Creek Trail. I cross the creek and head down the creek toward San Jose, turning around at Meridian Ave and trace my steps back to Campbell. That breaks up my run into the first segment of 5 miles. I then run out 5.5 miles toward Los Gatos, turn around and head back to Campbell for the total 16 mile run. Then it’s home for coffee with Janet, job search, work on refinishing the kitchen cabinets, AND take a nap! Yahoo! One more week at 16 miles then on to 17 miles!

I’ve also been reminded lately that we are a blessed people, and have much to be grateful for. So I will be adding a few thoughts on what I’m grateful for each week. What are you grateful for? Let me know and I can include them!
 – Johnny B

I am grateful for close friends
I am grateful for family
I am grateful for Bible study time
I am grateful for my wife
I am grateful for my work

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