I have seen something else under the sun:
The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong,
nor does food come to the wise
or wealth to the brilliant
or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to them all.- Ecclesiastes 9:11
With 30 days to go until the Calif. Intl. Marathon, I am amazed, blessed and humbled at the journey of preparation that I’ve been blessed to experience. God blessed me today with a great 22 mile run; the longest run until the Dec. 5th run in Sacramento. For the next weeks I’ll be tapering the lengths of runs, with one highlight being next weekend’s Big Sur Half Marathon on Monterey Bay.

PS - A new record was set at the 2011 Boston Marathon, even before the starting gun goes off. Registration for the 2011 Boston Marathon opened on October 18 at 9am (EDT) and closed at 5:03pm (EDT) — that's right, in 8 hours on the very same day. In 2009, registration closed approximately two months after opening.
I am grateful for God’s blessing on our nation!
I am grateful for a country where we can worship freely!
I am grateful for a country where we can criticize our gov’t!
I am grateful for powerful teaching by our church’s Pastor David!
I am grateful for my wonderful Sister and Brother!
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